Waste recycling of the aluminum industry

Recycling plant

Since 2001, SWDP LTD. collects basic solutions produced by the Aluminum processing industry. Sodium Aluminate is produced in a dedicated central production unit using a process developed by one of the founders of SWDP ltd.
The produced Sodium Aluminate has the quality specification of AWWA and the EU and is approved in Israel for use for drinking water treatment by the Ministry of Health.
Sodium Aluminate is mainly used in Israel for wastewater treatment.
The recycle process is a Zero Discharge process.
Aluminate are sent to Nesher for Cement production. Recycling plant As a recycling operation, SWDP ltd. receives the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and has the label of a recycle facility.

Basic brines

Currently SWDP ltd. collects the basic waste solutions in extrusion facilities in Israel. These solutions are produced by cleaning of the dies from the extruders. Basic solutions are also the result of the surface treatment of Aluminum profiles during Anodizing processes. Since 2008, SWDP ltd. collects around 1,000 m3 of waste brines yearly from the Aluminum processing industry in Israel.

The product

Sodium Aluminate is produced from the basic brines by a unique process.
The recycled Sodium Aluminate is the cheapest coagulant sold in Israel (based on the active ingredient).

טיפול בשפכים תעשייתיים


SWDP ltd. has been active in developing 2 processes which will enable to increase the recycle activity of the company:
Recycle of acidic brines from anodization plants:
The anodization process also produces acid brine containing Sulfuric Acid and Aluminum.Na+, SO4) המוזרמים לביוב של מפעלי האלגון.
This waste can be used to produce Aluminum Sulfate.
Waste brines from the galvanization industry:

Waste brines of this industry contain Ferrous Chloride3with significant concentrations of Zinc (ZnCl2). As such, these brines must be sent to the Ramat Hovav Waste facility. SWDP ltd. has developed a process separating the Zinc fraction so that one can produce Ferric Chloride which is widely used today in Israel.