Waste water stations (WWTP)
A WWTP had 2 parallel lines designed for treating 11,000 m3 per day each’ and the incoming waste flow had reached 14,000 m3 per day.
SWDP ltd. (S²) is a technology minded company founded in 2000, proposing novel and original solutions to industrial and urban waste treatment problems. The company also deals with recycling of waste brines of industry, production of coagulants in Israel, improvement of existing processes and process development.
The company is led by Dr. Sammy Wahrmann, former head of process and technology development at IMI (R&D of the ICL group) and Prof. Sami J. Wajc, former Head of the Chemical Engineering department of the Free University of Brussels and Chief engineer of IMI (R&D of the ICL group).
A WWTP had 2 parallel lines designed for treating 11,000 m3 per day each’ and the incoming waste flow had reached 14,000 m3 per day.
A WWTP did not achieve the water quality required for agriculture irrigation. The addition of ternary treatment takes time and the reuse is economically and ecologically important.
The use of UV disinfection is becoming popular as it avoids addition of Chloride in the effluent of the WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant).
A WWTP did not achieve the water quality required as one of its primary settlers got out of action due to mechanical breakdown.
S² performs a process analysis of production facilities in order to improve the effluent quality of
Process analysis to improve effluent quality for industrial plants which currently pay heavy fines for sewage
The company S² implements phosphorus removal of municipal wastewater in tertiary treatment facilities. Emphasis on: The use of chemicals
Media publications about the company S²: How to reduce and streamline wastewater treatment, Yinon Avishar, a company that provides
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